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Our School

Robert A. Taft Information Technology High School offers a rich, varied educational program where students graduate prepared to succeed. Starting in Grade 7, students experience a variety of career and post-secondary options focused on information technology skills.

Taft’s Preparatory Academy for students in grades 9-10 offers rigorous academic courses in information technology foundations where students complete 10 hours of instruction in 17 areas of information technology. Students then progress to the Senior Institute to gain experience and earn industry credentials to qualify for jobs after graduation. Taft offers in-depth coursework in high-demand fields, including information support and services, interactive media, network plus/hardware support and cyber security. Unique partnerships with local businesses like Belcan and AltaFiber help place students in internships and jobs after graduation.

Taft also provides a two-year program in exercise science and sports medicine. In this program, students delve into the expanding field, mastering fitness evaluations, assessments and first aid emergency procedures, and the students graduate with a certificate.

Students are supported with three full-time counselors and tutoring programs through Cincinnati Bell and the University of Cincinnati “Bearcat Buddies.”